Commander Cindy Jenkins

Commander Cindy Jenkins joined the Royal Australian Navy in January 1998 from Derby, Western Australia. After graduating from the Australian Defence Force Academy, she commenced a career as a Maritime Warfare Officer. For the period of her training, she served in the Fremantle Class Patrol Boats Dubbo, Bendigo and Gladstone before attaining her Bridge Warfare Certificate in HMAS Warramunga. She was promoted to Lieutenant in January 2004 and assumed the duties of Navigating Officer in HMAS Gascoyne; the highlight of this posting being an operational deployment to the Solomon Islands in support of Operation ANODE.
Following postings as an instructor at the Navigation Faculty and Flag Lieutenant to Commander Australian Fleet, Commander Jenkins specialised as a Principal Warfare Officer and joined HMAS Melbourne. In 2009, she sub-specialised as a Surface Warfare Officer, for which she was awarded the Captain Darling Award. Her posting to Melbourne included missile firings on the Pacific Missile Firing Range in Hawaii, and operational service in the Middle East in support of Operation SLIPPER. She was promoted to Lieutenant Commander in January 2011.
After a staff posting in Navy International Engagement, she joined the Auxiliary Oiler, HMAS Sirius, as the Executive Officer in 2014. The highlight of her posting as XO was a high-profile South East Asian deployment that involved port visits and exercises with seven nations.
Commander Jenkins successfully completed the Advanced Command and Staff Course in the United Kingdom in 2017. On promotion to Commander in August 2017, she completed postings with the Australian Maritime Warfare Centre and Training Authority Maritime Warfare. In January 2020, she was appointed Commanding Officer RAN Recruit School, responsible for overseeing the training of over 2000 recruits during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Commander Jenkins has postgraduate qualifications in Arts (International Relations), Business (Human Resource Management) and Law (Juris Doctor).
Commander Jenkins assumed Command of HMAS Supply II in June 2022.