Commander Ryan Post

CMDR Ryan Post

Ryan Edward Post, RAN was raised in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria and joined the Royal Australian Navy as a Midshipman in July 2000 attending the Naval College at HMAS Creswell.

As an Officer of the Watch/Boarding Officer on HMAS Anzac, he experienced operational service in the Middle Eastern Area of Operations (MEAO) during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, before specialising as a Mine Warfare and Clearance Diving Officer in 2005.

As the Officer Commanding the maritime element within the Tactical Assault Group-East (2 Commando), he was directly involved in numerous domestic counter terrorism and security operations including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in 2007 and the Pope’s visit to Australia in 2008.

In 2009, and again in early 2011, he embarked on further operational deployments to the MEAO, this time conducting counter piracy operations as the Officer Commanding the Enhanced Boarding Capability. Following these deployments, he was appointed as the Executive Officer of the Mine Hunter Costal, HMAS Yarra, and then later as the senior instructor at the Mine Warfare Faculty.

On promotion to Lieutenant Commander in January 2015 he assumed Command of the Armidale Class Patrol Boat, HMAS Childers, regularly deploying in support of border protection operations, intercepting and boarding countless illegal immigration and illegal fishing vessels.

In his second command, this time as the Commanding Officer of Australian Clearance Diving Team Four, his efforts were recognised with the award of a Fleet Commander’s Commendation for his “outstanding achievements and leadership”.

Promoted to Commander in early 2020, he was appointed as the Staff Officer Mine Warfare and Clearance Diving Teams, managing the Australian Defence Force’s diving capability and equipment sustainment. During this appointment, he was temporarily seconded to a small but vital Senior Defence Advisory Team, coordinating military support and advice to the Victorian government throughout the 2020 COVID19 pandemic peak.

In 2022, Commander Post completed the Australian Command and Staff Course, graduating with a Masters of Military and Defence Studies before he assumed Command of the Australian Mine Warfare and Clearance Diving Task Group in early 2023.