Contacting Navy Personnel

If you are trying to contact a relative, friend or colleague who is a current serving member of the Royal Australian Navy, please use one of the contact methods below.

Please note: The Royal Australian Navy is unable to assist with contacting former members. Any such requests will not be actioned.



Emergency contact or family support

The Defence Member and Family Helpline (DMFH) provides 24/7 support, information and referrals for welfare-related matters for Defence families.

Call 1800 624 608. More information is available at



Navy Families on ForceNet

ForceNet is a Defence e-communications platform used to connect registered users within secure online communities and can be accessed through the ForceNet mobile app or through a web browser via desktop and mobile devices. ForceNet provides a secure means for Defence families to access authoritative information on Defence matters relevant to them as well as a channel for discussions.

Registration is available to current Defence members, sponsored Defence family members and other approved users. To register as a Family user, you will need to be at least 18 years old and sponsored by a registered Defence user of ForceNet.





Ships based in Eastern Australian Area

HMAS (ship name)
Australian Defence Forces NSW 2890


Ships based in Western Australian Area

HMAS (ship name)
Australian Defence Forces WA 6958

Ship home port locations are listed on each ship's web page. Visit the Fleet list for links to each ship.

Further information is available on the Australia Post Mail for defence personnel web page.



Web form


This form is only for contacting current serving members. It can not be used for contacting former members. Furthermore, any enquiries not relating to contacting serving members will be deleted upon receipt. Please see the Contact Us page for other types of enquiries.

Due to privacy and security issues, it is the policy of the Australian Defence Organisation not to release contact details of present employees on request.
Any submissions for serving members will be forwarded on to that member for consideration.

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