NHQ Tasmania

NHQ Tasmania

Commanding Officer: Commander Mark Tandy

NHQ Tasmania Badge.

In 1993 a Government decision to rationalise Defence assets and resources saw the decommissioning of HMA establishments Huon, Encounter and Moreton and their subsequent closure in June 1994. At the time it was identified that a number of residual roles and functions existed and these still needed to be performed by the Navy in these locations. Navy Support Offices were then formed and commenced business in respective States shortly thereafter. The Navy Support Office - Tasmania (NSO-TAS) headed by a CMDR as the Officer-In-Charge commenced business at Derwent Hall, in Anglesea Barracks, central Hobart in June 1994. In 1999 Navy Headquarters - Tasmania was relocated to its current building within Anglesea Barracks Command, Hobart.