Working Papers: An Effects-Based Anti-Submarine Warfare Strategy

Working Papers No. 19
Working Papers No. 19

PDF : 757.94 KB

Mark Hammond


This paper proposes an Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) strategy that leverages the author’s experience as a submariner and views the ASW problem through Effects Based Operations theory and Boyd’s OODA (observation, orientation, decision, action) Loop. This approach yields a cascading model with several strengths, whether viewed from a capability development or warfighting perspective. The ASW Model articulates the links between capital acquisition decisions and the impact on the ability to achieve decisive warfare effects. It also articulates the compound effect of disparate capabilities (tactics and equipment) working in concert to achieve decisive warfighting outcomes (‘effects’), whilst identifying the capabilities which contribute to more than one outcome and therefore warrant higher priority. The model simultaneously highlights outcomes that are desirable but not supported by a current capability or tactic (capability gaps) and shows how the ‘decisive effect potential’ of net ASW capability can be damaged by removing a key element or by failing to provide key elements to support an enabling effect. Finally, it provides a framework to generate discussion aimed at countering the submarine threat.


This volume is available in hard copy free of charge, please contact SPC-A for a copy.