Working Papers: Royal Australian Navy Aerospace Capability 2020-2030
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This paper discusses the future of RAN aerospace capabilities over the period 2020-30, examining developing technologies, their potential utilisation, and how the RAN can build a robust aerospace capability to ‘fight and win at sea’. The future ability of the ADF to provide flexible capability options to government to protect national interests against a myriad of foreseeable and unknown security challenges will be limited, especially for the RAN as a medium power navy. The RAN will need to provide a wide range of solutions through a balanced mix of sea and aerospace platforms. The creation of such capabilities will be a difficult task, and one that needs careful preparation, sound development and solid doctrinal support. Aerospace power is a key element of capability that the RAN must not neglect, and one where it can derive immense military advantage if carefully fostered.
This volume is available in hard copy free of charge; please contact the SPC-A for a copy.