Commander Jennifer Graham

Commander Jennifer Graham joined the Royal Australian Navy through the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) in 1995. Her seagoing appointments have included HMA Ships Sydney, Westralia, Gladstone, Ipswich and Darwin, embarked in HMAS Kanimbla and US Ships Valley Forge and Chosin with Fleet Battle Staff, the Direction Officer in HMAS Newcastle and Executive Officer in HMA Ships Stuart and Arunta. Her Shore appointments have included Flag LEUT to Maritime Commander, Staff Officer Above Water Warfare and Staff Officer Anti Air Warfare in Fleet Headquarters, Navy Capability Project Officer, Strategic Policy Research Officer in Defence People Group, Executive Officer in HMAS Harman, Deputy Director (Separations) at Navy People Career Management and most recently on secondment as the Adviser, Operational Commitments in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Her Operational deployments include Border Protection and Fisheries on Operations CRANBERRY and RELEX, Solomon Islands in support of Operation TREK, the Middle East on Operation FALCONER as a Battle Watch Captain and Operations CATALYST and SLIPPER as Principal Warfare Officer. Commander Graham has deployed extensively on North and South East Asian Deployments conducting regional presence and engagement.

Commander Graham graduated from ADFA with a BA (Information Systems) and a Masters of Business in 2015.

Commander Graham assumed Command of HMAS Warramunga on 23 February 2023.