Middle East Region Rotation 36

Deployed Ship/s: 
Operation Name: 
Operation CATALYST
Rotation Year: 

Contributing to stable, rules-based global security is one of Australia's national objectives. Since 1990, the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) has conducted maritime security operations in the Middle East region (MER), which remains strategically important to Australia's economic and trade interests.

Operation CATALYST began on 16 July 2003 and was Australia's contribution to the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Iraq. Royal Australian Navy contribution to Operation CATALYST included the deployment of a frigate to the Middle East region. Operation CATALYST ceased on 31 July 2009.

Operation MANITOU is the current name for the Australian Government's contribution to support international efforts to promote maritime security, stability and prosperity in the Middle East region. An enhanced security environment ensures Australia's safe and open access to the region while fostering trade and commerce.

This page contributes to the listing of all Royal Australian Navy major fleet units (MFU) deployed on rotation since 1990 within the Middle East region.