
The Sea Power Centre - Australia (SPC-A) was established in the early 1990s to act as an autonomous research centre in order to foster and encourage development of maritime strategic thought by providing intellectual rigour to the public debate on maritime strategy and other maritime issues.

Indonesia-Australia Maritime Security: Challenges and Cooperation


The inaugural joint publication of the Center for Maritime Studies of Indonesian Naval Command and Staff College (Pusjianmar Seskoal) with the Sea Power Centre - Australia titled Indonesia-Australia Maritime Security: Challenges and Cooperation (PDF, 2.32 MB) has the theme of Challenges and Cooperation in the field of Maritime Security, including Marine Pollution, IUU Fishing, Blue Economy, and HA/DR.

This publication has been prepared in the context of encouraging Lecturers and Researchers of both Seskoal and Sea Power Centre - Australia to conduct joint research in the maritime security sector.