Plan Pelorus 2022

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In marine navigation, a pelorus is a reference tool for maintaining bearing of a vessel at sea
Chief of Navy intent
A Thinking Navy, A Fighting Navy, An Australian Navy
We live in an increasingly complex geo-political environment, within a dynamic Indo-Pacific region. The maritime domain is central to the security and prosperity of our Nation. As resources become increasingly scarce, and the competition greater, all elements of national power must work together to achieve the desired outcomes for our Nation, and those of our friends. Fuelled by technological advances and availability of information, the future is increasingly unpredictable.
Navy has a crucial role to play to support our government and we must continue to evolve and prepare for a myriad of operational possibilities. This is the basis of our 2022 Headmark. Clarity and alignment in our understanding of our Headmark will effectively guide our day-to-day actions.
Plan Pelorus provides direction to Navy for the next four years to achieve our Headmark. It will be revised regularly to enable delivery on our five outcomes.
To achieve our Headmark, the highest priority must be our workforce reconstitution and developing resilience in our workforce - people create capability.
Then we must question the status quo, innovate and take action.
Headmark 22
In 2022 our Navy is ready to conduct sustained combat operations as part of the joint force
This is a significant undertaking when each element of the statement is defined:
We will be fully crewed at sea and staffed ashore, able to train for future demand, and prepared for continued growth.
We will be able to deny, deter and defeat our adversaries in the face of evolving threats and challenges.
We are integrated with the joint force and operate effectively with our allies and like-minded partners.
We will provide sea, air and cyber worthy platforms to the Chief of Joint Operations.
Our resources are optimised to enable conduct of all our activities and our future commitments.
We will be able to maintain a long-term presence away from our home ports.
Near region
Engaged across the Indo-Pacific; we meet all domestic requirements and work closely with our friends and partners in the near region.
Provide maritime forces for current operations, exercises, engagements and future contingencies
The Fleet Commander is responsible for providing the right forces at the right time, capable of fighting and winning at sea, and is to support the Chief of Joint Operations to employ our forces to their potential.
This will be enabled through integrated operations with Air Force and Army, increased activities with allies and like-minded partners in our region.
Plan and deliver future maritime systems
Head of Navy Capability is responsible for ensuring that Navy's capability meets current requirements, evolves with changes in threats and technology, and achieves the joint integrated effect necessary, with an aim to continuously deliver and sustain an agile and lethal naval capability.
We will continue to mature our partnership with industry to de-risk the building, delivery and sustainment of our future capability. This will include remediation of our supply chain to improve security and maximise the use of Australian expertise; and develop sustainable sovereign industry capability.
Assure the safety, seaworthiness and airworthiness of our systems
Head of Navy Engineering is responsible for the provision of advice regarding all ADF maritime technical matters and ensuring the ADF policies and practices relating to the Safety, Sea and Air Worthiness Assurance Frameworks are applied.
We will also update our safety due diligence framework and develop a holistic assurance framework covering all aspects of safety, seaworthiness, airworthiness and cyberworthiness. This framework will be embedded across Navy.
Effectively lead and manage our people and culture
Deputy Chief of Navy is responsible for ensuring that our workforce has the right people, at the right place, at the right time, with the right training and that our people are ready, willing and able to serve where and when required.
We will increase our training throughput as we grow our force. As workforce is our highest priority we will resolve hollowness through a range of cultural, leadership, communication, strategic planning and retention initiatives. NEXT Generation Navy will help us to achieve this outcome.
Provide the required enablers and oversight to achieve Navy outcomes
Deputy Chief of Navy is responsible for ensuring Navy has the resources, enablers and partners required to achieve all directed current and future activities, sustain the force in being and acquire and introduce our future capability into service.
A key focus will be on building robust networks across One Defence to ensure enablers are providing the service that we need to achieve our outcomes. This will require us to build performance and trust frameworks within our many partners. We will continue to invest in our relationships with allies and like-minded partners, working together for shared goals with respect for the rules-based international order.