Mark 46

Active or passive/active acoustic homing torpedo
Guidance Homing mode - Active or passive/active acoustic homing
Weight 234.5 kilograms
2.6 metres
Range 7.3 kilometres
83 kilometres per hour
Mark 46

The MK-46 torpedo is designed to attack high performance submarines, and is presently identified as the NATO standard. The MK-46 torpedo is designed to be launched from surface combatant torpedo tubes, ASROC missiles and fixed and rotary wing aircraft.

A Sikorsky S70B-2 Seahawk helicopter conducts a weapons firing serial, firing a Mk 46 torpedo, off the coast of Western Australia.
A Sikorsky S70B-2 Seahawk helicopter conducts a weapons firing serial, firing a Mk 46 torpedo, off the coast of Western Australia.