Navy Headquarters
Navy Headquarters, formerly Navy Strategic Command, exists to provide the Navy’s strategic direction. Navy Headquarters is headquartered in Russell Offices, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory.
Deputy Chief of Navy and Head Navy People Training and Resources (DCN/HNPTAR)
DCN/HNPTAR has two parallel sets of responsibilities. First, as the manager of Navy Headquarters they are responsible for the alignment of accountability, responsibility, performance and resource management within the Royal Australian Navy. Second they are responsible for managing the Navy’s uniformed integrated workforce (both permanent and reserve personnel) and members of the Australian Public Service. Commodore Training (COMTRAIN) reports to DCN/HNPTAR and is responsible for individual and ship level training.
Head Navy Capability (HNC)
HNC is responsible for implementation of both current and future Navy capability, including all Navy programs/projects (both major and minor) from concept through to acquisition, in service use and ultimately disposal of the system.
Head Navy Engineering Regulation, Certification and Safety (HNE)
HNE is responsible to Chief of Navy Australia for Naval engineering and maintenance discipline upkeep, Navy safety management governance, Fleet Support Unit strategic management; and the design, implementation and upkeep of the Defence Seaworthiness Management System.
Warrant Officer of the Navy (WO-N)
WO-N is the most senior ranking sailor in the Navy and may exercise command over all RAN sailors. WO-N is responsible directly to Chief of Navy Australia for representing the views, concerns and opinions of the Navy’s sailors.