Rear Admiral Christopher Smith, CSM, RAN, assumed the role of Commander Australian Fleet on 16 December 2022. 

Rear Admiral Smith joined the Royal Australian Naval College in 1989. His seagoing appointments have included HMA Ships StalwartParramatta (III), BruneiPerth (II), IpswichGeraldtonCanberra (II), Anzac and Command of HMA Ships GladstoneDarwin and Canberra (III). His shore appointments have included staff officer to the Chief of Defence Force, Deputy Director of Sailors’ Career Management, Director Navy Warfare Professional Requirements, 2015 Force Structure Review team, Commander Surface Force, Director General Littoral and most recently Deputy Chief of Navy.

His operational deployments have included Operation HELPEM FREN in 2003, Operation CATALYST as the Australian Liaison Officer to the US Central Command Forward Headquarters in 2008 and the inaugural LHD operational deployment in Canberra (III) providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief in support of Operation FIJI ASSIST 2016.

Rear Admiral Smith completed the Australian Command and Staff Course in 2004 and the US Naval War College in 2013. He holds a Masters of Management in Defence Studies, a Masters in Maritime Studies and a Masters of Arts (International Relations).