Agnes Lenore ‘Lennie’ Maiden was born 14 June 1937 in Taree New South Wales, the daughter of Jarvis and Vera Maiden. Lennie joined the Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service (WRANS) as a steward in January 1956.

Lennie undertook category training at HMAS Cerberus, where she was highly active in a variety of sporting and social activities. Lennie’s time at Cerberus extensive, where she became known for her tutelage and care of Junior WRANS undergoing training. Lennie undertook numerous postings at Cerberus, in a number of ranks and roles, including recruit school instructor.

Lennie’s career also saw service in the shore establishments HMAS Coonawarra, HMAS Penguin, HMAS Harman and HMAS Albatross. She was awarded the Long Service and Good Conduct medal in 1971 before becoming the first member of the Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service to attain the rank of Warrant Officer, being promoted on 27 September 1972. Following this promotion, she also became the first WRANS member to be referred to as ‘Miss’ by junior members.

After nearly 29 years of service Lennie retired from the Navy in April 1984, having established her place among the trailblazers of the Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service and bearing witness to its phenomenal growth and eventual incorporation into the Royal Australian Navy as a whole.

Post-Navy, Lennie eventually settled on Macleay Island in Queensland with lifelong companion and fellow WRANS veteran, Lieutenant A.M. ‘Winki’ Higgins. Lennie continued her association with the Navy in her latter years, being active in the WRANS Association and several naval associations in Queensland.

Following a battle with cancer, Lennie passed away on 30 March 2020 aged 82.

Lennie (top row, second from right) was an avid sportswoman, competing for Navy in softball, hockey and athletics

Lennie (top row, second from right) was an avid sportswoman, competing for Navy in softball, hockey and athletics

Warrant Officer Maiden recieves a charter before a HMAS Harman Freedom of Entry march in the city of Queanbeyan NSW in 1981.

Warrant Officer Maiden recieves a charter before a HMAS Harman Freedom of Entry march in the city of Queanbeyan NSW in 1981.