Rear Admiral Pete Quinn joined the Royal Australian Navy in 1983 from Mackay, Queensland. As a Principal Warfare Officer specialising in Above Water Warfare he has served in a wide variety of Navy, Joint and exchange appointments, including operational deployments to the North West Pacific, the Middle East and East Timor.

His seagoing service has primarily been in Australian and Canadian frigates and destroyers, including command appointments as Commanding Officer of the frigates HMAS Sydney (2003-2006) and HMAS Anzac (2009-2010). Early shore appointments include: Officer in Charge Maritime Warfare Training Group, Head of Combat Systems Training and Director Maritime Combat Development.

Star rank appointments have included: Director General Navy Capability Transition and Sustainment, Head Joint Capability Coordination, Head Joint Capability Management and Integration, Head Force Integration and his current position as Head Navy Capability.

As Head Navy Capability Rear Admiral Quinn reports directly to the Chief of Navy and is responsible for identifying the needs and requirements of Navy’s future capabilities and for the development and delivery of these capabilities to the Fleet. 

Rear Admiral Quinn was appointed as an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) in the 2023 Australia Day honours list "For Distinguished service to the RAN and the Australian Department of Defence".